The Kent Club

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Visit to Bristol with Bristol Workings

February 1, 2020 00:00 - 23:59
February 1, 2020
  • This event has passed.

Visit to Bristol with Bristol Workings

Our members: Tom, Geoff and Kevin, asked us to organise a visit to see the Bristol Workings. We thought it was a great opportunity to develop our knowledge, involve partners and go visiting. The Bristol version of the ritual is possibly one of the oldest and most special in the UK. We have now arranged this on Saturday 1st February.

You have the option of bringing your partner who can dine with other partners during the meeting at a restaurant near to the hall. They can potentially also potentially join on the tour of the hall pre-meeting and after if you’re in the mood to continue. The next day, you are all invited on a tour of the Old Town and Harbour followed by lunch.

Bristol Masonic Hall on 31 Park St, Bristol BS1 5NH.

 Saturday 1st February

4:15 PM Tour of the Bristol Masonic Hall followed by tea and biscuits. Potentially with partners who’ll depart at 6:00 to dine separately.

6:00 PM Lodge Meeting followed by the festive board. Dining Fee with wine is £25 per guest.

10:30 PM Depart from the hall and reunite with partners if they’re joining for the weekend.

10:40 PM If you are not planning to stay in Bristol the last return train departs Bristol Temple Meads at 10:40 PM  arriving in Paddington at 12:30 AM. This requires leaving the festive board early since the train station is a 15-minute taxi ride away.

Sunday 2nd February – Optional all guests welcome

10/11 AM all welcome on Blue badge tour of Bristol Old Town and Harbour

1:00 PM Lunch

3:00 PM Departure

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Join the Kent Club if you are not a member already. All our events require membership to the club which has an annual £10 fee.

We have more exciting news to follow regarding the annual dinner. We will also reveal more details regarding a live discussion with a senior Metropolitan officer about his journey and what he looks for in other Metropolitan officers.


February 1, 2020
February 2, 2020


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